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2 In 1 Stun Gun + Led Flashlight Woman’s Self-defense Lipstick Gun Self Defense Flashlight For Women (random Color)

Original price was: ₨2,000.00.Current price is: ₨1,900.00.

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Product Description

2 in 1 Stun Gun + LED Flashlight Woman’s Self-Defense Lipstick Gun Self Defense Flashlight for Women

  • Taser lipstick made in a metal case. This Shocker Refers to a Class 2 power called “dezorientatorom.” Power of this model is enough to knock a few minutes and disorient the enemy, whichwill leave a dangerous place. This model is the most powerful stun from the Mini range. Built-in battery is capable of delivering up to 250 bits, with its full charge.
  • Lipstick Self Defense
  • Lipstick Self Defense is a new and innovative way to protect yourself from unwanted advances. With this product you can now have the power of self-defense in your purse, pocket or on your person at all times. You never know when an attack may happen but with Lipstick Self Defense you’ll be prepared for anything!
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